When Disaster Strikes: Responsive, Values-Driven Grantmaking Strategies for Emergencies

Increasingly, climate change is having a serious effect on the occurrence of disasters worldwide. Everywhere that disasters strike, they exacerbate existing social and economic conditions, affecting the most vulnerable for days, weeks, months, and even years to come. The COVID-19 pandemic is no different.

The Greater New Orleans Foundation (GNOF), the community foundation serving the 13-parish region of Southeast Louisiana, was forever changed by Hurricane Katrina, gaining first-hand perspective on this perpetual state of vulnerability. Guided by a disaster strategy which is anchored in equity, resiliency, and sustainability, GNOF was able to rally quickly and respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

Whether or not your organization funds disaster relief, you will benefit from practical lessons in grantmaking practices that support the nonprofit sector’s sustainability during and after a disaster.

Original air date: November 10, 2020

Carmen James Randolph

​Vice President for Programs

Greater New Orleans Foundation

Grants Management Professional Competency Model

Cross-Cutting Competencies

  • Process and Change Management: Plan and monitor processes efficiently and effectively and manage change as needed to contribute to grantmaker's strategic goals and grantee's success.

Lifecycle of a Grant Competencies

  • Planning and Pre-Grant: Apply the grantmaker values, mission, and goals to ensure alignment of application process and guidelines.
  • Planning and Pre-Grant: Design and implement the review process to support an informed grant decision.

Principles for Peak Grantmaking

Steward Responsively - Manage all entrusted resources—people, finances, reputation, time—with care to balance stewardship with an agile approach to risk. 


  • Registration Closed

